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Kali Linux CLI Installation On Termux Android

Hey All,

I am Maloy Roy Orko.

Today,I'm going to show you that how you can install the CLI interface of Kali Linux On Termux Android!

You can get little info on "Termux & Kali Linux" here......

So,Lets Go....


(1) Minimum 2 GB For Installation 

(2) Non-rooted Android 

(3) Minimum Version 8

(4) Stable Internet Connection 


(1) GO to F-droid and install the latest version of Termux 



(2) Now, Type This Command!


(1) pkg update -y && pkg install wget curl proot tar -y && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndronixApp/AndronixOrigin/master/Installer/Kali/kali.sh -O kali.sh && chmod +x kali.sh && bash kali.sh

(2) ./start-kali.sh

Boom !! Kali Linux CLI Has Been Installed Successfully! 

Now,You can use it by typing this command:
